Happy New Year

Happy New Year everyone.
This was our New Year's Day roast lamb dinner. It was delicious.
We watched the film "Judy" last night. It was OK but not great and not one we'd ever watch a second time. I remember Judy Garland and I don't think she was very well portrayed.- in this film.
There were lots of fireworks going off from the afternoon yesterday to past midnight and around midnight it was crazy with so many being set off!
Not done a lot today but we did take all the decorations and lights down, both inside and outside. They are all packed away ready for the loft now. Pegged the washing out and it dried in the sun and breeze. It has been quite warm for January and we've not needed the heating on at all up to now (20:30 hours).
Still have a sore throat but it's improving. My son John has been quite ill but now he is improving - not got his PCR results yet. 
Hope 2022 is a good year and the one in which we say goodbye to the pandemic.

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