Uncut & Unabashed

By colormesanguine

Food food food

So today Kelvin and I were supposed to go to the Chelsea Art Museum but it was closed because of Good Friday. So we rescheduled for Tuesday and hopefully that works out. So instead Melanie and I went food shopping at Whole Foods for our first annual Easter Brunch! I got the idea from Spoonful. We came up with our own menu though (that Ethan amazingly put together and even printed it on fancy photo paper!). I love food shopping and Mel and I had a blast even though I wanted to buy everything in the store, whoopsie.

note: I love fashion, so whenever I see an inspiration I snap a picture of it to remember for later. I absolutely loved her jacket and shoes. This was taken right outside of whole foods. I can't wait for Spring and new clothes and to get out of this fashion rut I seem to be in.

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