MonoMonday - 'Best' of Last Year - MM415


Same place of Corstorphine Hill Cemetery as before except instead of the 2 main paths merged, have merged 6 paths of trees & gravestones. Previous pics the trees still had leaves on, this time only a few have winter leaves.

Monday household chores, didn't really want to go out today, but the MM challenge meant had to go somewhere, chucking with rain so went a quick walk late afternoon round the cemetery.

Can't rem challenge words or MM number, will have to write them down I think. And need to look myself the day before so can plan better. Will edit to add corrections.

Thank you for this week's challenge, it was nice to look back thru some of my pics thru the year, something that I don't do very often.

Had to think which one I could recreate mid afternoon, maybe not my best of the year though :/ but maybe getting to use/try some other Apps to be creative.

6 pic merge, Mono & add weather & border, Mono again.

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