Mono Monday: "Last Year, Revisited"

The first Mono Monday challenge of the year has been set as "The Best of Last Year" - with an assignment to select a shot from last year, and "re-create it, with a slight (or complete) difference to the original".

The shot I decided to select certainly doesn't qualify for Best of Last Year. Bennachie is one of my favourite places and I've lost count of how many times I've photographed it on the way to or back from Aberdeen. For the last couple of years I've been making that journey less often, and one of the few times I passed it last year the day was marred by horrible news about terrorist atrocities; the shot I posted that evening reflected my mood. 

Today I happened to be in Aberdeen again, and as I passed the sun was shining spectacularly over Bennachie in an almost cloudless sky. I found it quite uplifting, and took a shot which I hope comes across as a total contrast to my photo from October. 

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