Nadine Pierce, a snapshot

By nadinepierce

Thou shalt not have my bunny!

What a dreadful day weather-wise. Heavy rain followed by snow. I decided to get my head down and get as much work done as I could today while it was so vile out in the hope that tomorrow will be nicer and I can cut myself a bit of slack.

It was an epic mac n cheese for dinner - the quest continues - the recipe is a super indulgent Nadia Sawalha one using butter, double cream and bacon as well as tons of cheese of course - highly recommend it. We used chorizo tonight though and 'may' have had chips too - oops! :)

I've also finally caught up with my blips so am now up to date and should be back to posting normally. The night of the blip in question.

Cosmo was hilarious this evening, he saw me with his bunny and next minute he'd come and swiped it, taken it to a safe place and lay on top of it, watching me all the time. When I went near him a bit later his paw shot out on top of it. That's what I was trying to photograph but he decided he wasnt taking any chances and transferred it to his mouth for ultra safekeeping.

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