Little & Large

Little dog, large mountain.

I usually try and take a photo of something I see or something I am doing for my daily blip.However some days give you difficult decisions.

On the daily dog walk I was trying to get a different view of a snow capped Ben Lomond when something spooked Roxy. She really wanted to run down the hill but then decided to sit on the grass as stiff as a board. She looked so small with the vast landscape behind her.

When we got home there was much activity at the bird feeder and suddenly the big black crow that has been perching on the coconut shell flew in. I have tried before to shoot it (with my camera) but it flies away at the slightest movement. Not today. I got a few really good shots of it.

In the end I choose Roxy. One of those moments that I might not see again. On the other hand, I will probably be able to bore you with another bird shot any day soon.

Really must be viewed large.

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