
By Grammy

Another Collage

Sunny but cold. High of 35 deg F. We are under another winter advisory due to icy road conditions for tonight. Folks here aren’t used to icy roads and you probably heard there were hundreds stranded on the nearby interstate in Virginia for 19 hours in below freezing temps. Schools were closed again today. Crazy mess. Meanwhile, we are snuggly warm and enjoying a calm day. After breakfast, I prepared this chicken pot pie for a late lunch. Figured it would warm us up on this chilly day. Also made a bowl of chicken salad for whenever. It took me most of the morning since all the veggies were fresh and I am a pokey cook. But Hubby said the pie was really tasty so it was worth the effort. My sister and BIL stopped by with a few groceries they knew we liked that they found on sale. I ventured out looking for pictures. While outside, there was a murmuration of blackbirds that flew across the sky. The picture only shows a tiny number of the actual group. It has been so long since we’ve seen a blue sky. I really like the pattern of the ATV tire marks. And who knows why this moth is out and about this time of year. Hubby moved a few of the broken crepe myrtle branches. Sure hope we can trim it up to look ok. Just reminds me that all that glitters is not gold. It’s nap time but wanted to work on my blip first. We’ll do a bit more clean up after the snow melts. My daughter is feeling much better (thank you, Lord). She actually worked from home. Maybe they can come by this weekend and open their gifts. Thanks for the visit, stars and sweet comments. Stay safe out there. “You can't go wrong with relatively simple comfort food. It's also about ease. Some cook to impress. I cook for people to enjoy the food.” - Al Roker

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