Sabu Cat Diary Update

Dear adoring fans

You may have been suffering from withdrawal symptoms due to my having been avoiding the human idiot with the camera thing.

Firstly the Zeeva dog had puppies er cute if you like that sort of thing, but once they get out of the cage they are exhausting. Hence my spending time in another part of the house.

We had a puppy visit yesterday and he was well behaved he may visit again.

My accident in October ( I blame the human) did handicap me for a long long time. I lost a toe but otherwise you will be pleased to know I remain the incredibly handsome devil I have always been.

So now the puppies have gone I can be free in the whole house. The outside although tempting has no appeal while it is wet and cold. I am allergic to the cold.

May I wish all cats,humans and dogs seasons greetings and hope you are all well. I have been awake for 10 minutes so I will now return to my normal catatonic state.

Sabu cat out……snorrrrr

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