Above And Beyond...

By BobsBlips


1 Year 290 days of UK COVID-19 Pandemic.  First UK/World Vaccine 1yr 28 days ago.  UK restrictions and Overseas travel with restrictions.

Mrs BB car battery eventually packed up after 10 years so we got one fitted early afternoon so she was able to drive herself to work, doing overtime due to staff shortages. I finished the beech hedge planting and put up an outdoor clock we had as a Christmas present. It has a thermometer so it'll be interesting to see that dropping below 0c with the cold front forecast this week.

This weeks W-I-D-E on Wednesday Challenge is 'negative space'; so after a foodshop I drove to the nearby Whitchurch Village, Ross on Wye, and got the last of the sunset over a farmfield. A band of sunset light separates the field from the sky - so should fit the theme!

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