
Much speculation today on the anniversary on the attempt to subvert the peaceful change of government. Peaceful it wasn't. A year ago even the Republican leaders were as scared as the Democratic ones when forced to hunker under their desks while the masses roamed the capital in strange garb, putting their feet on the Speaker's desk and threatening to kill the Vice President. Today, the majority of them seem to have  forgotten their fear and claim that it was only a 'peaceful protest' Despite the fact that the airwaves are full of pictures of exactly what happened.

The most hopeful thing I read was from our own Sonoma County congressman, Jared Huffman, who said, "we are going to have to work to keep this country on the rails, but we can do it. We have a chance." That chance, he said was by Democrats showing that they should hold power until Republicans pass through the "weird hypnosis" of the Trump era.

I don't mean to be coy about my health situation. I really appreciate everyone's concern. It's just that I don't really want to talk about it until I have more information. It's hard enough not to speculate. Suffice it to say that I am having digestive issues requiring a colonoscopy. Breaking through the wall of voicemail protection around live human beings who can make that happen is proving frustrating. Apparently the one person who is the scheduler considers a week a reasonable amount of time to respond to an urgent request....maybe she knows more than I do....

Spike concerns himself mainly with growling at his Kong underneath the couch and sitting in my lap, both designed to get me to go outside and throw it...about 500 times. It's hard to refuse....

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