

with an amaryllis flower

for flowerfriday

one of 3 i have - and surprisingly all of them - are behind with - blooming this year - my plan was that - they’d be open - by christmas but as - that saying goes - the best laid plans - or some such - i’m not certain what - happened that all of them - got delayed with the bloom - for the longest time - i actually thought - maybe there wouldn’t - be any growth at all

then suddenly up - they sprouted like - overnight surprising me - and any day now - there will be big blooms - one of the plants - is a new version - so i can’t wait - to see what the - bloom looks like - late or not - an amaryllis is always - a favorite of mine - they photograph well - and even with my current - sight problems i should be able - to get some decent shots - which will then make it…


happy day.....

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