Let's Do Brunch

'Friends' might be a bridge too far here. In our pond live 8 Comets (Goldfish, not Koi) and lots and lots of Eastern Mosquito Fish Gambusia holbrooki. The Gambusia are native to the eastern and southern U.S. They can be found in most freshwater ponds, lakes and streams from Florida to Pennsylvania and inland to Alabama and Tennessee. There is a 'Western Mosquito Fish, but that's a whole other story! 
Since neither fish is real picky about their diet, they seem to be co-existing just fine in our small pond. During the winter months when their natural food sources are more scarce, I feed them pond pellets, the light colored object at the bottom of the photo. I make sure that all the fish get a little at each feeding, so there aren't any squabbles and The Pond remains Peaceful! 

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