By lizzie_birkett


We came back home today. It’s nice to be in the warm where ever we go in the house.
On the boat it’s lovely and warm in the living room and kitchen but we felt it colder than usual in the bathroom and bedroom. The electric blanket made a big difference but reading in bed wasn’t fun because our hands got cold.
We are looking into a different kind of heating system than what is on the boat just now - it doesn’t seem very efficient. Maybe we’re just feeling the cold more as we get older. We love being there but we can’t put up with being cold brrr!
It was time to come home anyway as the birds were out of food!
Mind you, all wasn’t plain sailing when we got home. I put the washing machine on but it cut out so Frank had to look at the extension cable and it turned out it had blown a fuse but what he hadn’t realised as he’d pulled the cable out was that it had got caught on the hot water inlet switch which isn’t connected to the washing machine and turned it on - water leaked out everywhere! It took him a while to sort it all out.
Also I Left the vacuum cleaner on the boat! It wouldn’t be a problem if we didn’t have a hairy Bella! It’s a pain having to take the hand held bit of the Dyson backwards and forwards so I’ve ordered a little one just for the boat.
If it wasn’t for Bella a brush and shovel would do but you have no idea what it’s like with her hairs but I won’t hold it against her :-)
Such things are sent to try us!

We’ve all been in the shower, and by all I mean Bella too (she was a bit wiffy!)
We had left over curry and chips for and vegan Magnums for afters.
Now we are settling down for a cosy evening now. I have a glass of wine - unusual for me as I am usually a beer girl 1/2 pint ;-). Frank is on water as he is doing Dry January. He has taken a liking to alcohol free beer now but he’s run out!
We’ve been watching The Detectorists so may watch another episode then an early night reading in bed…with warm hands! ;-D

Goodnight Blippers :-)X

9/365 Forgive

Forgiveness is the thing that melts the ice 
In a frozen heart
And gives it permission to move forward
To friendship - maybe love.

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