Holding on

I think it's a Robber Fly, but I'm not sure of the exact species. The website Brisbane Insects says that an alternative name is Assassin Fly. But it seems to me that leads to confusion with the Assassin Bug, a quite different insect. So I'm sticking with Robber Fly. Photographed in grassland at Boulder Beach.

My blipping might be a little erratic for the next month. Tomorrow we're starting a road trip to South Australia. Our main destination is the Eyre Peninsula, and a trip to the Nuyts Archipelago (link to online publicity, featuring a cast of worryingly young and fit expeditioners). 

Our driving route to get there (2000 km) is shown in the extra - we're taking the southern route indicated, through Dubbo (Western Plants Zoo), Mildura and Port Augusta (Arid Lands Botanic Garden).  Hopefully, I'll be blipping some photos from on the road.

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