Footprints made by Izzy

By IzzyandME

{tree hunt}

Today we have had fun.

Started off by just having a good play at home including letting Izzy have some computer time ( I dont usually let her but she complains she is the "only one" at school who can't use the computer properly!!)

We then went out for a nice walk and we took a I-spy sheet out with us. Izzy loved this, she also loved that I took her to her favourite tree! We rounded the corner and she yelled, "there she is, there she is" and ran off to give her a cuddle!

We sat and chatted under "Mrs oakie-pokie" and then set off home again via the small woods, where this photo was taken.

I do love the school holidays, we actually have time to sit and chat and wonder around like we did before she started school full time.

Swimming tomorrow though so the alarm is set for 5 hours time!! argghhh! Good night!! x

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