A Jack Frost original

Jack's window work was very elaborate this morning. It's -5f/-20c with the windchill. The sun has erased the window art work, but the icy air remains.
We're inside today. I did venture out once to check and add some seeds and peanuts to the feeders. A flock of turkeys have now arrived along with the usual beautiful daily fliers. Brrrrr.

For the Record,
This day came in very cold with the windchill. The coldest I have ever experienced was in my first  and second year of teaching in Van Buren, Maine. One of the two no school days in my two years there was due to extreme cold. It was often in the minus temps daily, but one day stands out. It hovered around -44f on 'the glass' with a 30mph windchill effect, bringing the outside temps down to around -85f/-65c. Flesh could freeze and metal could snap, a No School day. It was unreal.

All hands cozy inside.

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