Cloudy point

Today MrsPuff and I went out through Pleasant Point and out into Raincliff where we shot some images of St Davids Church and an old farm house that almost resembled Steptoe and Sons Yard. As I was shooting these clouds at Pleasant Point Millie rang,she is competing at the South Island Secondary Schools Athletic Champs in Invercargill, poor girl was in tears and so dissapointed in herself she said she ran like sh*t and just felt flat throughout the whole 3000m. I let her know that this happens to every runner sometime and can happen often,the most important thing was to reasure her about what she has done over the last month,First place in a championship event, broke records in a 3000m and 1500m race a Bronze medal at the New Zealand athletic Champs 2 weeks ago. Millie had her heart set on breaking 10mins for the 3000m today and was so excited and now she feels as though she has let me and herself down. Well restasured she hasn't I am very proud of what Millie has done and achieved.

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