
By Cr055ie

Making Textures

During the Christmas break I did Jane Lazenbys Christmas Challenge.  For this I had to make some of my own layer artwork, photogrpahy it, then edit it and use it to enhance a photograph to turnit to a "painterly" style.  I only had tine to make a few because I was so late to the party.  tonight I set about making some more and have tried to add them to one of my photographs.  Creating them is quite fun - it's a but like messy play.  Jane encouraged us to recycle and use what we had at hand.  So I have textures made with coffee, soy sauce, yeast, flour, salt and of course a little paint.  
Once made I can edit the colours to suit what I need and I can overlay them to create even more textures from what I have.  It really is quite addictive  but I seemed to end up with similar styles so I maybe need to keep going.  Of course the orignal masterpieces are never finished, once they are dry you can add more colour to brighten or tone down, they are only really finished when they are too messy to do anything with them.  

I have started to create a image using my photographs and my textures but I have forgotten how to mask and am having to revist the lesson.  I have had enough for this evening  so will revisit it tomorrow.  Who knows I may blip the finished piece of work.

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