Arad Heritage Village

A friend sent me a link to this tiny little craft village.  One of the locals set it up for the kids in the area, teaching them how to make traditional crafts. There were about 10 youngsters doing different crafts.
Will definitely be going back to support them and buy a few goodies.
The youngster in my blip is weaving using palm leaves

Corona Virus Update
Bahrain recorded 1,694 new cases, 0 fatalities and 853 recoveries today.
Individuals vaccinated - 1,207,776
294,466 cases have been recorded in the sandpit.
Bahrain has 11,061 active cases,  48 are receiving treatment,  2 critical  cases.  1,397 deaths recorded.  280,114 recoveries.  Total tests done is  8,233,498 

As of January 8, Bahrain had 10,218 active cases, and those needing hospital treatment had doubled in the previous four days – from 13 cases on January 4 to 26 on Saturday.

The number of active cases in the country had previously only surpassed 10,000 on April 6 last year with 10,045 cases, which increased throughout the month to a peak of 28,798 on May 30.
Meanwhile, Bahrain ranks fifth globally in the number of Covid-19 booster shots administered per 100 people.
Bahrain has administered the third jab to 879,486 people as of January 7

India began administering booster doses of Covid-19 vaccine to frontline workers and vulnerable elderly people
India reported 179,723 new cases on Monday, most of them in the country's biggest cities - Delhi, Mumbai and Kolkata
There were 146 deaths reported on Monday, bringing the toll to 483,936 since the pandemic first struck India

Australia vows to 'push through' Omicron wave as infections cross 1 million
More than 3,500 people are in hospital, up from about 2,000 a week ago.

A new strain of Covid-19 that is a combination of the Delta and Omicron variants, dubbed “Deltacron,” has been discovered in Cyprus.

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