Eyes Right

I've swopped my main with my extra - I thought the eyes to the right had it, but we've had a recount and the greenery won the vote.

The crows jackdaws were playing King of the Castle.  It's a shame it wasn’t one of their compatriots, I could have done a Rook to Castle link.

The emerald glade was looking lush in the light.

I swung by the fishmonger on the way home and picked up some Shetland mussels, then ate a decadent late lunch of seafood while watching half an episode of Downton Abbey. That is all I’ll allow myself at a time as I’m nearing the end. I can’t believe the amount of food that kitchen produces. And I think I’ve got the hang of the hierarchy of butler, valet and footman which is, obviously, a massive relief.

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