What did you have in mind?

My son's poodle is so lovely dog. He always comes to tell me things, looking steadily at me, dog-chatting. This time the message was clear: "Come and play with me!" Another issue that he told me later was: "Let's go out, I want to read local territory marks!" Yes, animals tell you things, if you just listen. The blip is taken by my daughter, as I was scratching his neck and listening what he says...

Today our little family visited at grandma's birthday party in the evening. Had coffee and cake and pastries. Home Corona tests made beforehand. The poodle and I had time to walk a short route outdoors (my right knee is a bit sore from my falling down yesterday). We also played too while we were chatting with grandparents. Grandpa was so happy watching the dog playing with me.

Almost all of the other guests (not many, but few relatives) had already left, which was good I guess. The corona situation of the small willage is better than towns and cities around the willage, but still...

+0,5c cloudy, snowing few flakes at noon.


Ps the plague has begun to take people to hospitals now. Some very serious restrictions have been planned to do. I wonder how this will end. Or when.

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