
By Veronica

Get a wiggle on

Considerably less cute than yesterday's wildlife. I am pretty certain this is a Horseshoe Whip Snake (Coluber hippocrepis). Previously seen in the extra here. Yes, if I'd been quicker I could have got a "better" photo of it but at least you can't see its head :) They are harmless to humans. 

Last night's intercambio was lovely, albeit slightly marred by a lack of Spanish participants. Also the group I was in ended up spending most of our time discussing the global misdeeds of the Catholic church (Spain, Canada, Ireland). It was still very nice to catch up with people we know, and get lots of local news. 

Rather shocked to learn that R and J had a paragliding accident early in 2020. J seems to have acted as a shock absorber for R and is still on crutches almost two years later, having broken her pelvis and both legs in multiple places. R got off lightly with a head injury. They are still paragliding ...

It was a very breezy day today ... we are somewhat exposed here.  We popped out before lunch to visit a local avocado farm above La Herradura which turned out to be closed.  We took advantage of the fact that we couldn't turn left onto the N340 in order to go home, to turn right to the beach in La Herradura and have an apero in a beach bar, somewhat sheltered from the wind. While there we witnessed a (surely northern European) man remove his clothes, plunge boldly into the waves, and emerge again one minute later.

Monsieur did his "disappear all day" thing again, grrr. I eventually spotted him at about 5 o'clock on an inaccessible bit of waste ground, squaring up to a local tabby, but it was another hour before he came home, fluffy-tailed and on high alert. Well, I do have to accept he knows his way around now ...

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