PawsClaws n Tails outWest

By DesertP

My first Hoverfly!!

I woke up this morning to the sounds of rain and heavy winds. With dread I looked out the window and saw an overcast gloomy day in front of my. Ordinarily on my day off this wouldn't bother me as I quite like rainy days spent inside. But today I had plans to head past our centre into the Chat Dau Valley and go swimming in one of the many beautiful waterholes along the creek. It's been so hot and sticky all week and yet today its cold and miserable! Murphy strikes again.

I refused however to let the weather gods completely destroy my plans. The rain was completely gone by mid morning and whilst swimming wasn't an option (way too cold!) I thought it still possible to head into the valley and walk along the tracks or rock hop looking for critters and birds. I'm so glad I went! Not only did it get me off the computer for a bit (far too much time on that thing lately) but I also managed to find a whole new track to explore. One that was much less traveled than the normal route. You know you're off the beaten path when butterflies start landing on your legs while your walking! I saw so many wonderful new bugs and spiders, heard so many birds (and actually caught a glimpse of some of them) and just thoroughly enjoyed myself :)

This offering is my first bee hoverfly blip. Thanks to Vodkaman (and several others!) for correcting me on that one! I wasn't convinced it was a bee, because the eyes looked so fly like. But because it was flying from flower to flower I just assumed it had to be a bee!

Best large :)

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