
We've rediscovered the walkie talkies at the back of a drawer. Great stuff. Now neither of us have to actually bestir ourselves in order to communicate when I hole up in the workroom (where there is blessedly no interference from WiFi or mobile).

LH was off to golf early as the weather isn't raining (just dull and uninspiring). Berry and I had our usual fun and once LH had returned I scarpered off into my workroom. Just mucking around with the house blocks I found yesterday, pottering away, making it up as I go along. Some therapeutic rummaging through fabric and seeing my old friends still waiting to be used. It'll happen, but meanwhile it's just nice to touch base with them. I know this sounds bonkers but fabric stroking is a known affliction of quilters!

A relaxed TV supper watching Prof Alice Roberts fronting 'Digging for Britain' and being thankful I'm not an archaeologist knee deep in mud. I love seeing the wonderful finds hidden below our feet but couldn't imagine having the knee resilience to scrape away at a site for days/ weeks on end.

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