
By Jen_Elliot

Mid-January Red Bloom

I've not been inclined to write words on here of late, although I've kept the photo discipline. I wanted to capture this morning which was absolutely lovely and a good coming together of energies. Started at 9am, letting a neighbour and friend into Bellfield to get her the pom poms from the Christmas tree and which had, thankfully, been stored on the balcony space rather than being chucked. I just knew, if we threw them out, as was talked about at the time, a few days later someone would ask for the pom poms. And she did! The red ones are being reworked into heart frames for a valentines love bomb crafting project.

Then on to Town Hall to meet the recipe book crew at 10am and do some practice shots for the recipe book photos. Meanwhile two Porty Central Trustees were there (as planned) to move planters and plant bulbs. We gave them a wee hand with some heavy stuff, then did the practice shots, chatting to loads of folks as we went along - the usual 'porty effect'. I had to rush back to the Town Hall for 11am as I knew Porty Community Energy were going to scope the outside grounds for their cargo bike trial. I intro'd them to other Porty Central Trustees. I was also thrilled to discover the Community Fridge group, which I am part off but completely unbeknownst to me, were setting up stall at the Town Hall entrance. They had supermarket surplus to give away and conversations to have and I certainly hope we can run the community fridge from the town hall. All these projects will likely halt come the Town Hall works and the scaffolding but we know we have till end March for sure before any works start, so in my view it is full CARPE DIEM and make the place lively. This morning was just that and my heart sang.

I was then off to work on bike at 1130am. Glorious day. Felt Spring like. I know it is ths first of many false Springs but I'll celebrate it anyway! Slight problem on way home from Comely Bank on bike. Could feel a wiggle under me and realise the back wheel was moving unevenly. Kept trying to ride but really wasn't confident so finally resigned myself to walk from Bonnington home to Porty. It was annoying and tiring but was also a nice day and I had nowhere I HAD to be. Lucky I had decided not to cycle. BG Cyles guy described it as 'catastrophic' when he looked at the wheel. A spoke had gone from the centre of the wheel and then along the rim, several spokes were breaking off - at least that is how he interpreted what he saw. A very rare incident it seems and new wheel needed. We'd just changed the tyre because of a puncture the other day but bike shop man and husband certain fixing puncture had nothing to do with this. My cycles have been normal and while the roads and paths are uneven and there are potholes, I don't remember being aware of anything remarkable.

The photo was a cheeky wee red blossom noticed with my client.

Oh, my son left his mobile on the no. 26 on way home from roller disco. After a quick-thinking call to tip me off about it from friend's mum, I gave chase in car and caught bus as they were pulling out of Kings Road stop. I'd managed to grab the driver two stops on. He told me the driver he'd just swapped with at Kings Road was taking phone to Seafield terminal. I whizzed there and the guy was just handing in my son's phone. Speedy resolution to a high drama. All's well that ends well. All in all, a good day!

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