
By Skysea7

Not one of my favourite beaches!

This is Carlyon Bay.  It's been like a building site for about 18 years.  A developer has been trying to build luxury flats on it for all that time.  For a while no one was allowed on the beach at all.  Now they have a security guard in a box (they call it an 'Information Centre') and though there is a road down to a lot of parking space at almost sea level, cars are not allowed to drive down.  You have to walk down  and huff back up the hill.  Their reason for not allowing cars?  It could be dangerous when there are pedestrians using the road as well!  But there is a road in St Mawes that leads to the castle.  No pavement. People walk to the castle and cars drive to it.  I rest my case.

I have never before been to a beach that has a security guard and a blocked road.  Apart from that, it's not really fun to walk along the shore because the beach has quite a steep slope down to the sea so when you walk on the slope it always feels as though you have one leg longer than the other.  (It reminds me of the title of a  poetry book collection called  'One of your legs is both the same'.)

I had planned to go to Charlestown after a necessary Tesco trip, but there was just nowhere to park today - so I went on to the next nearest beach.  The forecast said it would cloud over by lunchtime - and it did - this was taken just after 1pm, and after that it became grey and overcast.  Two people just managed to squeeze into the edge of my photo - I almost cropped them out but then let them in as it gives a sense of scale.

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