I'm wondering where today disappeared to?  It might be partly down to it being my turn to have breakfast in bed and my latest Inspector Gamache novel building to a crucial, exciting point. Tony went off to the supermarket for beer for neighbour R as our thank you for him taking away the privet cuttings, meanwhile I set about the bathroom cleaning (aaarrgghh!) Tony returned with welcome croissants just as I was breaking for a cuppa, then it was back to finishing off the bathroom and doing sundry other jobs.

After lunch Tony retrieved Jenny's brown paper packets of bulbs, rescued  at the end of the growing season and now ready to go back into their pots.  One of the hellebores I put round the back of the house has surprisingly decided to do something so that is now at the front of the house.  I will consult with friend Verity tomorrow as to whether I need to removed its leaves.

We've had some interest from passers-by about the missing privet as the garden does look very open.  I will feel better about it when the low wall starts to go up.

We Skyped with Jenny late afternoon for a catch up and discussed various travel plans.  Yesterday, I re discovered an old journal I had kept when they were both pre-schoolers and told her some of the funny stories I had written down, things they had said and done.  It makes for lovely reading.

So the disappearing day meant no blip!  So this is the moon through the neighbour's tree.

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