Family day

We have had a lovely time together today. After food shopping we went to the picnic park for over a hour and a half ( the building behind Xander is where blipper greengirl works ) .and then we went for a Costa. 
We have not long had family dinner. Chicken fajitas. The bigger ones did well. 

I am so tired. During the night I didn't realise I rolled onto my shoulder and then I had excruciating pain wake me before 4am. I couldn't move it. It was like a nerve or something was trapped. I had to take some painkillers and lie on the sofa until I could get it moving again. Harp and Carson got up at 5 so it was a early start for them. Especially Harp. 

I'm behind on journals today but I will catch up. 
It's Mr R's birthday tomorrow. The Wildlings are excited for cake. X 

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