So the complicated story goes . . . No cycling with T today due to the icey conditions . . . with a Blip showing T doing his best Stan Laurel impression. Actually I am trying to capture the halo around him . . . read on.
We went for a walk instead, after which T buys the refreshments and 2 pieces of cake appear with my hot chocolate. Not what it seems . . . when T bought the cake, it was only for me so that he can begin to lose weight . . . hence the halo . . . Strong !
Two pieces of cake appeared because . . . it was a new uncut cake . . . when the waitress cut the first piece she left half of it behind on the plate . . . so she cut a second slice . . . and then gave away both . . . to me . . . Weak indeed !
Extra shows the sunshine on the beach in Scarbados. Stay safe all.

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