And delphiniums blue

By flynnet


well yesterdays was an indoors Indoors and as you can see todays is outdoors!

Feeling stressed with the government changes and I briefly mentioned on yesterdays blip they want me back at work. But im not ready I know im not I would probably manage 3 weeks top but I could not keep the act of been happy and confident when im not.

To cheer myself I booked a holiday last night for the 29th of this month on my birthday :) just a 4 night break really to the lakes, the top end Solway :) even better where not too far from Scotland best of both worlds :) never been to the lakes im so excited and my new camera can get some proper use :)

I feel like this blip has made no sense at all me heads all over the place.
Anyway job centre phoning back on Monday so will see what they have to say.

Had 2 walks on my own today and diet going well. Daves been in garden most of day but hes suffering now with his indigestion :( poor guy.

love c x x x

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