knit 1 girl 1

By knit1girl1


We had a great day yesterday meeting up with some other friends and their wee man. Pics will follow as we went to a cool castle and got lots of photos.
Today I had a day to myself as the boys headed off to see the mighty Nottingham Forest scramble a draw against Blackpool.
I spent last night trying to work out what yarn shops were on the way.
York looked promising so I stopped there first and had a wander around the shops. It was fun going into some really nice clothes shops, including a fab vintage shop with some really cool stuff.
The yarns shops were fine, but I had also read about another shop called Baa Ram Ewe in Headingley so headed there.
It's well worth popping by as they've got a nice collection of yarns that included their own Titus range of Yorkshire yarn, some other nice specific sheep breed stuff, Orkney angora that came in shocking pink, and other squishy lovelies.
However, I already knew that they had jamiesons and smiths Shetland yarn that I have been eyeing up for the great steeking project and they had the book with the patterns too.
The lady behind the counter was really friendly and we got chatting about stuff and she realised she'd read about me in connection with Edinburgh Yarn Festival, which was cool.
So, I now have the yarn and the pattern to start this project. Wine will be needed for the steeking but it'll be fine.
The colours are amazing, so deep, rich and vibrant that I can't wait to knit it. The pattern book itself is its own wee treasure and has great sections about the inspiration behind the patterns.
We're now down at my brother in laws and looking forward to a mass family gathering tomorrow. Should be fun :)

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