
By Blipreset2022

There's a worm at the bottom of my garden........

Well more than a worm, A few hundred or so.
I started this food waste compost bin the spring of 2020. It was a fascinating distraction as we watched the world as we know it fall apart.
It took a while to really take off, and for me to learn the ins and outs of worm husbandry, but it is fun and so worth it.
Not only do they consume between 90%-100% (depends on weather & temp) of our scraps, peelings etc. but they also munch up most of our shredded paperwork!
On a bit of a blah day I thought they deserved a mention. Weirdly I have grown quite fond of them.
Blah day or not, I had another Ctrl-Alt-Delete Dip in the lake today. Made it to 3 minutes and felt positively restored :)

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