Would You Like A Jelly Baby?

On This Day In History
1934: Tom Baker is born

Quote Of The Day
"I'm really not an actor of any kind. I've always seen myself as an entertainer, someone who makes people laugh. That's all I've ever wanted to do. Doctor Who has always just been me, really."
(Tom Baker)

Just as most people have their favourite James Bond actor (mine is Pierce Brosnan), most people also have their favourite Doctor Who actor. Hands down my favourite Doctor Who is Tom Baker; friendly, witty, intelligent, eccentric, funny and iconoclastic; a pure delight. And that voice! We all know Morgan Freeman and James Earl Jones have dulcet, melifluous tones, but Tom Baker (along with Ian McShane) is too often overlooked. As Tom Baker said in the quote, Doctor Who is him, and whenever he is interviewed, all of those adjectives I ascribed to his Doctor apply to Tom Baker.

How awesome is Tom Baker? Well, The Human League wrote a song in his name; doesn't get much better than that.

Tom Baker

Every Jelly Baby scene.

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