
By memento

Yardwork is Hardwork


Ever since I first encountered one of my favorite Euro-blipper expressions, I've been anxiously awaiting the right opportunity to use it.

Our urban garden is by no means large but it required an all day, enormous amount of clean-up: cut back, raking, fluffing of mulch and pulling out millions of dastardly maple tree seedlings from the flower beds. And that's just the front.

Tomorrow I tackle the back.

There is not a single bone and muscle in my body that isn't twanging and begging for mercy right now but I'm blissfully happy and thrilled with how tidy it looks.

So I snapped a single picture of the magnolia tree by the rays of the setting sun...since (and here it is!) I couldn't be arsed to take more than that after the day I've put in :)

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