His Trusty Tractor

Mostly cloudy, high was 26 deg F, low predicted: 22 deg F. It was very cold out all day. My wonderful children simply forget we are retired. Got a frantic call before 7:00 am. Somehow there was a clerical error and my daughter’s marriage was never officially recorded. She needs that document to get on her hubby’s state health insurance. She spent the morning between the church and county offices getting it corrected, much sooner than she was told it could happen. But she’s not one to take no for an answer. I got up and finished all my tasks early including another pumpkin pie (gave the last one to this daughter.) Hubby and I were each asked to pick up a grandchild from school since they had a half day. Hubby chose Brooklyn and got a haircut after dropping her off. I passed this quaint scene on my way to get Skylar and decided to use it today. It speaks loudly about our county’s heritage in days gone by. Farmers deserve recognition for their importance in our survivability. Since she was home, my daughter made a delicious Italian dish and provided my dinner. Last night, she dropped off a chicken dish for hubby since he’s on a restricted diet. We are so blessed to have them all close by; that’s why we enjoy helping out when needed. We’re in for the night and plan to read by the fireplace. Several ball games scheduled - the weekend will be busy. Find tons of enjoyment this weekend folks. Thanks for stopping by. We had 249 new COVID cases in the last 24 hours so it’s still out there - be safe. “There's immeasurable glory in riding a tractor. You start by taking a lap around the fields, smelling the aroma, admiring the colors, day after day, until one morning everything smells ready, as if it's opened and unfurled, and you ask the wheat, 'Is it time?' And the wheat says, 'Yes, friend, it's time.' And then you know to begin the harvest.” - Michael Paterniti

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