Clever Girl

Jill and Frida had an assessment today to see if they were fit to become part of the St Johns Pet Therapy service in Wānaka. I was sure Frida would take the food off a plate- but she didn’t. Nor did it worry her if someone came towards her in a Wheelchair or dropped a walking stick in front of her. Plus she passed all the sit, stay while Jill left the room!
So, she can now officially visit Rest Homes as a Pet Therapy dog. She often visited Jill’s mother when she was in a Rest Home and seemed to enjoy the attention and giving attention to people.

The extra is at Wānaka Station Park, Jill and Frida beside the huge trunk of one of the Giant Sequoia (Red Wood) trees.They are over 130 years old and are protected trees.

Another hot day of 32C - I suspect a swim is on the agenda soon before we go to a friends for dinner.

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