Between tasks

When i rose this morning knowing full well that it is a shower day, i still emerged with a purpose. That being to carry out a series of re-edits on old photos, if i still had the raw file. 
At this point many of  you are mouthing **** *** **** is he  on about?. Bare with me.
With each image is a story, this one is no exception. I was sat in the car with window down, it was warm. I had on my 70-300, now i cannot move very fast, part of my disability.. I saw through peripheral vision, this wagtail flitting bout, bobbing its tail, i turned and fired off a burst of i think 12 shots and fortunately got one in focus. Rare as mostly i need to use a tripod as my hands wobble to much.
That camera has gone, replaced with one that has  IBIS (In body image stabilisation) don't you just love acronym's?
So there we have it, now my care/wife can wheel me to water

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