Home or away…… re air miles!

Two things I did today represented in the blip. 

1. A couple of days ago I had brought back from the allotment the large runner beans that I had left to dry to provide seeds for this year. This morning I shelled them and have lots of really large beans. The variety is Wisley Magic which I have used for several years and always get good yields. I still have surplus seeds from last year and I won’t need all of these so can give some away to friends or to the ‘seed sale’ we have at the allotment in March.

2. Several things were not delivered in our home delivery groceries so I went to a large Sainsburys that I have not visited for about two years as we tend to have an online shop each week and then get fresh fruits and veg at a smaller supermarket. I am not keen on wandering round these huge shops but I found the things I wanted and also bought the physallis, a fruit I really like. I have grown a few plants for the last two years but the fruits do not get as big as the imported ones. Interesting  that they are only £1 for 100g and have to be flown over 5000 miles from Columbia. Should we be importing them? I first came across them in a posh restaurant about 20 years ago and am surprised that a lot of people still do not know what they are or have not tried them. I suppose it’s better to support Colombian farmers growing fruit etc than for them to grow coca for cocaine. The main ( legal)  exports from Columbia are minerals, oil and gems  ( around 50%) . Fruit etc is only about 10%.

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