
Thích Nhất Hạnh

Vietnamese Zen Buddhist Monk who I only 'met' thru his audio teachings, mindful movements & reading some of his writings, but sadly never in physical presence.

Mindfulness, connecting with Nature, using the senses to stay present.

My training & practice have become rusty, may this be a reminder to use these tools & understandings already there to keep touch with everyday reality & do more practice, learn more. I no more teach any Mindfulness moments but I must teach myself once again.

Passed today to new energy in a leaf, a flower, the muddy earth for more lotus, the energies of the teachings continues...

After watching the candle flicker, listening to the bell 20 mins & also my bowl singing too, a cuppa time for reflection.

'Smile to the cloud in your tea'. (Extra reminder not my pic)

Breathe in: I smile
Breathe out: Oui Merci

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