Well work

I have been hard at it on blogs etc today and have only ventured out for two walks round the estate with the cat, so today's blip is a bit of a cheat in that I took the pic last week but not in that it is typical of my day.
You're no doubt anxious to get to the blog - here's the link! This is St Colman's Well which holds a cure for sore eyes and was once visited by one time Taoiseach and President Éamon de Valera. Sadly a notice informs that the water is currently contaminated and should not be used.

Yesterday I forgot to mention, so taken was I with swans, that after 681 days our lockdown restrictions have been removed! Masks have to still be worn in shops etc but that's it! There was much rí ra agus ruaille  buaille going on around the country as pubs and restaurants finally remained opened past 8pm. 10,000 covid cases still reported though. Not much change in our neck of the woods.

The other truly bizarre story is that three men came into a post office to claim a pension - a pensioner and two escorts. It transpires that the pensioner was dead. The other two fled when they were rumbled, leaving the poor man propped up somewhere. No, it's not a spoof. Incredible.

Mmm, Himself is making dhal and naan.

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