Sometimes Say "Yes" To Another Excess

I had a problem this morning. At a festival for our building's residents this morning, a drunk old man offered my mother and I a cup of beer. I said no several times, he poured it anyway. He then did the same with a cup of sake, again despite me saying we didn't want it, we would prefer juice or tea. Since these were my neighbours, I didn't wish to appear ungrateful so, reluctantly, I drank the sake and my Mum drank the beer. Big mistake. Being tea total, I have little tolerance for alcohol so the sake went straight to my head and I nearly fell down two separate flights of stairs on the way home. All afternoon I felt drowsy. Finally, after a ten kilometre run in 58 minutes in the strong wind, I felt my old self again - fully alert and in tune with the world around me. Never again will I touch a drop of alcohol; today's experience confirmed my decision to give it up completely many years ago (though I had never been a heavy drinker anyway) was the right one.

Cakes, though? That's another story. If patisserie were narcotics, I'd be a junky.

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