Living to Eat

I’m a big believer in thinking a blip is always in front of you …if you really look.
Today is no different.
Just back from Zumba and my first thought is always what l will choose to have for dinner.
Living on my own make me more disciplined in planning ahead. I do small batches of cooking about every two weeks. no more than four portions, usually eat one and freeze the rest. 
Then l buy other items like fresh pasta and divide it into six portions and freeze five.
Today l decided to have a meat free day after the weekend so got out some pasta. 
Will make a quick fresh sauce this evening when l get back in from Granny duty.
Won’t be having wine as l try to avoid alcohol mid week.
Or bread as l avoid that too Monday to Friday.

Now the book: Last autumn l was telling Tim how l love to see Stanley Tucci cook, so much passion in every squeeze of a lemon or in the chopping of a tomato….
so he bought me this book as a Christmas present. (good son, he listens to me).
It’s a joy for a food lover like me to read, the few recipes are good but it is the writing that will make me read the book again and again.
Buon Appetito!

Thank to ApolloFly for hosting MonoMonday.

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