
By Mindseye

Wonder woman

Woke up with a heavy heart today, couldnt get myself going! Took my time having breakfast before getting showered and dressed.

Left the house around 11.15 just tootled into town, had a coffee, posted a letter, dropped an old video into the shop that can transfer the contents onto a dvd. Silly really, its old Manchester Storm ice hockey footage. Me hub and the boys used to go regularly…… happy memories!

Todays blip is my friend B, who kindly met ip with me to help me practice hand held long exposures, yes i know, a tripod is best, but was interested to see what I could achieve hand held. Admittedly it wasn’t taken today, but it was taken for tonights camera club themed session ‘Long Exposures’ …….hope this isn’t considered cheating :-/

Am just home from the session, I showed a series of shots of B, having tried various settings……to demonstrate the differences.
I now need to go off and practice more. I want to try some more ICM too!

Hoping for a good nights sleep tonight, fingers crossed and waking up in a better frame of mind.

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