Sandy Sea Shoes

Another day without any concerted effort on my part to get a decent blip.

Porty was a nondescript grey - grey sky echoed by a grey calm sea. The absence of wind made getting dressed after the dook easier, and even my swimming friend put some clothes on under her dry robe. Because we were collecting her husband on the way home for coffee at the Dower House, it was deemed unacceptable for the occasion to be described as ‘A coffee with Two Bare Ladies’.

My friend’s husband is a civil engineer and has been pointing out today various ways of making the Dower House warmer. Apart from the 18 single glazed windows (Listed Building excuse), draughts are coming through skirting boards from the huge dead space between the outer wall and the inside one.
Sealer is the answer for the skirting boards and secondary glazing for some of the windows.

The water temperature was 6.4° and I lasted 9 min and Sue 10 mins- no wet suits , we are hard core…………and daft.

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