Kevin Woolard

By woolard


I'd set myself a challenge at the start of the year to undertake a 365 project and it was all going so well. Until yesterday. When I forgot.

I not only forgot to blip, I forgot to take a photo to blip.

Usually I take a couple throughout the day just in case I need an emergency blip but yesterday I had it in my head what I was going to blip. And that is now, what turns out, today's blip.

Yesterday kindof ran away. I'd planned to take this shot (it's a badge for helping out at the FCT show) as soon as I got back from Reuben's final show last night but we didn't get in til late then had something to eat then looked through a DVD of images from the show. And by the time I went to bed just after midnight and flipped open the iPad, the horrifying fact of a blipless day hit me.

Absolutely gutted! Feel slightly like I've wasted the previous 95 entries but hey, maybe not, it was fun.

So, back to the bottom of the ladder.

Day 1 of Project 365.

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