Shelf or bracket fungi - Polyporaceae

I noticed these large fungi while walking the dog this morning and checked out the species using the app ‘PictureThis’. 
When I got home I found a book we have on mushrooms with lots of good photos for identification,  by Roger Philips who died about a week ago ( he also wrote other books in the 1980’s which we have on Wild Flowers, Ferns, Mosses and lichens …all with photographs so easier to identify things that the previous books, which are very dry and wordy with a few line drawings but not photographs. The photographs in the book are very clear but I remembered  that to identify fungi species accurately you also need to look at the gills underneath which I did not do! I will have a look when I go that way again.

How things have changed for plant identification from using complex keys with the odd black and white drawing when I did A level Botany, to books with colour photographs and now apps! 
However I think you have to be a bit sceptical about the accuracy of apps which is why I often check in books later.

Another grey day so lots of jobs to be done round the house

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