The squirrel

had me in fits of laughter earlier today!  It was actually in the garden trying to climb the fence on the other side which is rather wobbly.  In the end it crossed the garden (very brave, but Charlie was asleep upstairs), and climbed this fence where it paused long enough for me to capture it before it went running off...

After that things went downhill.  I picked up a what's app message from a good friend - and ended up in floods of tears just because someone cared :(:(  Its a good job it was a day without any meetings with managers...

I got over that and while waiting for the kettle to boil, I topped up the feeders!  Seconds later the thief was on the fence having eaten food put out for blackbirds and others....  Also the squirrel watching me from afar and then streaking up the branches...

In other news, I decided this morning I want to read a poem at the funeral.  I texted my brother to tell him and sent him the link.  He said he didn't want anything to read that would make him cry.  Well how does he think I feel :(:(  Anyway I texted my StepDad and he's quite happy with me reading it - its Christine Rossetti 'miss me but let me go'.

And the funeral is not until 23rd February :(:(

Thought about going to London on Saturday, just to get away - but then discovered the trains are having problems due to COVID amongst staff ...

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