Painting apps...

A painting created between 3 apps.
What is it?
Reason behind it?
Well, I will keep that to myself...
It would take me a book to write this (to explain) to this point in my life.
But life is totally out of your control. 
You can do your absolute very best.
But at every twist and turn life can give you the sourest of lemons, which accumulate in their complexity and convolutions.
You do your very best again, but then...
All over again...
It doesn't go away...
Well, I have just shut my emotional door on all that.
I won't accept it in any shape or form.
I talked it over with my friend in England yesterday. She knows the whole history of this.
And this is where I am today.

Today, a fresh new blank slate in my mind, the rest is like a black&white Pathé newsreel that runs and runs. It is history. History should never be forgotten, but one should be mindful of it.

These words won't make sense to you I imagine...

Here is today's creative between 3 apps...

Popeye took one hour to do, because I had to do him pixel by pixel...

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