Ducking for Lunch

When I arrived at Johnston Gardens today I noticed the ducks were somewhat more animated than usual. I didn't see anything to explain this until I ventured around the corner of the hedge and saw there was a lady distributing food for the ducks.

This female was so quick in trying to get a share of the treat that she almost made it out of the picture. Her mate has either already has his share or he was not very hungry.

I saw one of the moorhen family, but it did not seem to be interested in whatever was on offer. A nearby pigeon received a morsel from time to time.

Very cloudy today. It was threatening rain while I was at Johnston Gardens, and in the afternoon we did have some rain.

The mundane object in the abstract photo yesterday was an Apple HomePod smart speaker. This is quite an old model which has been out of production for at last a year, and probably more. The steel object behind it is part of a table lamp.

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