
Today was party prep in the am and then to venue to take food - early nap for melody so she would be tired early! All went exactly to plan and melody asleep by 7.30 :)
At party at 8 and everyone arrived about then too!
It was amazing - so many lovely friends! Food went down well - all 70's inc spam sandwiches, prawn and avocado and fondue! Also took loads of 70's sweets, space dust, Parma violets etc! I was pleased with how many came - great atmosphere and danced loads - Jed did djaying and I had a fab time - closed at 2am so we went back to Mandy's til 4.30
Melody was god for mikes dad - but mike back early as arranged to relieve him
All my party pics blurred really :( this I took before I went out!

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